by P>D> OUspensky

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


THE MOON is considered the 18th Key of/to the Major Arcana of The Tarot and the moon has always been a significant and important SYMBOL utilized in various ways, from religion(s) to art and agriculture and/or astrology/astronomy....and in the popular imagination and consideration a subtle influence..... What is this influence....? For the basic part, the influence of the MOON is described in many ways....from lunacy to love....and usually is considered or listed as THE FEMININE PRINCIPLE, partly because some Goddesses were called 'Moon Goddesses" in ancient and now in modern times, and descriptions and practices found in various cultures and religions leave little doubt about this aspect.......which when compared to THE SUN, another important Tarot Symbol, requires that the latter be treated as 'masculine' and also as a different do all the cards of the Major Arcana, until such time as one is able to integrate and assimilate all the 'knowledge' and 'wisdom' conveyed by the Deck,in its entirety. Among certain occult and esoteric groups,THE MOON is considered a 'destructive' influence, one that consumes mankind, and crystallizes mankind....a symbol,ironically, of death but of a special kind,no doubt......but there is more to this than what is said up to now and will be perhaps further elaborated later on.....should I choose to do so.... THE MOON represents the principle of REFLECTION and this arises from the fact that the MOON is essentially a MIRROR, that reflects the rays or light of THE SUN....a fact derived from astrology(the ancient science) and astronomy(the modern science).....So that this means that any knowledge or wisdom we receive from the Light of the Moon is 'secondary' and not 'primary' and while, many might well ask what's the beef with this or what's the problem? And conclude,'So What?' it is most important and shows the basic problem of mankind which hovers and sways between KNOWLEDGE & BELIEF, two poles that often create problems for mankind, in the forms of conflicts, like those between reason and feeling(emotion) or mind and body, or religion and science...etc. No attempt to resolve this conflict here, which is familiar to most people in some way or another and which will,unless they have worked out such solutions for themselves, and to a great deal of satisfaction and completion, always will irritate, fascinate, and confront entire world created around them of DUALITIES........ The influence of the Moon has been noted in various ways and Lunar Rays when the Moon is 'full' always attract people in various ways.....romantically and so forth.....The apparent and physical attraction of the Earth's satellite,even though somewhat dispelled by rockets,manned and unmanned, landing on its surface,cannot be overlooked entirely,but it is the unseen,subtle, occult aspects of the MOON that are perhaps more,much more important, than any scientific or folkloric information, that is, THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOON on the PSYCHE(possible soul) and the PSYCHIC LIFE of MAN(KIND) and his 'inner' composition(s)....some of which have been described in various ways in old manuscripts, parchments, books, etc. over the centuries all over the world and in various languages, many most difficult to translate properly...... For some,the entire Zodiac, consisting of Sun,Moon, Planets, and Stars(including constellations or formations), that is, the celestial world is to be found within man(kind) and requires a certain process, often called 'alchemy' to not only become aware of such but to develop certain 'powers' or other aspects,particularly those leading to 'immortality' as best understood on various levels and scales few take the time to consider or research, let alone read about or meditate on..... However, confining the topic to the single card titled, THE MOON, as I am trying to do without going too far afield, it soon becomes apparent that the images on the card itself, have significance that need to be examined,however limited or casual such an examination might be and usually is........ Since we are for the most part 'earth-bound' we have to consider the Earth in Terms of the Moon as well as in terms of ourselves...which means that the EARTH has undergone,according to certain occult writers, certain PERIODS in its CREATION OR EVOLUTION.....These periods are not analogous exactly to those postulated by geologists,etc. but are more descriptive of occult and esoteric considerations and structures,that have to be understood on various levels, such as, the psychic, the unconscious, the world of dreams, the subconscious, the mind, the soul, the various etheric,astral, and other bodies of both man and earth which, in some instances are analogous to each other but not any really exact fit,however,etc. etc.etc. Those who are more familiar with THE SEVEN DAYS OF CREATION,whether restricted to Biblical notions or not, there will be A MOON PERIOD(which we call Monday but not to be taken as merely the first day of the work week......and in some cases refers occultly and esoterically to the PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE INCARNATIONS OF THE EARTH...on that basis and not the physical basis of the planet per se...... The Moon Forces enable the 'construction' of a body, of the proper density for existence, since the Moon is considered to be the right distance from from both Earth & Sun for this to occur....but when these forces continue,without interruption(s),the tissues of the body are 'cyrstallized'causing death......and again, if the earth and moon had remained as one 'body' and not 'separated' the body of man(kind) would,in all likelihood, crystallized into a 'statue' according to certain occult schools and groups that have 'studied' this influence of the Moon in various ways and atmospheres and conditions or 'states'...... This Tarot Card of THE MOON relates in part to THE SEPARATION OF THE SEXES in which the Moon is the Feminine Aspect and the Sun is the Masculine Aspect....which consist of two qualities that distinct until united: WILL & IMAGINATION.....the latter being FEMININE POWER and linked to the MOON... More on this another time...