Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I posted on this blog some videos of various tarot activities....mainly, those of A.E.Waite, who wrote numerous books, some very dry and detailed, too intellectual for those seeking quick and easy divinatory methods,etc. and Paul Foster Case, who founded with others, THE BUILDERS OF THE ADYTUM...and wrote an outstanding book on the TAROT...I shall also place some pictures of books on or about the Tarot or that contain information that may prove interesting and/or useful to those wishing to learn more or to make use of the tarot....which also appear in my facebook album on the tarot and the occult to some extent.... I shall also try to continue my own discussion of what I consider to be important for me personally about the tarot, namely the MAJOR ARCANA .....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
THE MOON is considered the 18th Key of/to the Major Arcana of The Tarot and the moon has always been a significant and important SYMBOL utilized in various ways, from religion(s) to art and agriculture and/or astrology/astronomy....and in the popular imagination and consideration a subtle influence..... What is this influence....? For the basic part, the influence of the MOON is described in many ways....from lunacy to love....and usually is considered or listed as THE FEMININE PRINCIPLE, partly because some Goddesses were called 'Moon Goddesses" in ancient and now in modern times, and descriptions and practices found in various cultures and religions leave little doubt about this aspect.......which when compared to THE SUN, another important Tarot Symbol, requires that the latter be treated as 'masculine' and also as a different do all the cards of the Major Arcana, until such time as one is able to integrate and assimilate all the 'knowledge' and 'wisdom' conveyed by the Deck,in its entirety. Among certain occult and esoteric groups,THE MOON is considered a 'destructive' influence, one that consumes mankind, and crystallizes mankind....a symbol,ironically, of death but of a special kind,no doubt......but there is more to this than what is said up to now and will be perhaps further elaborated later on.....should I choose to do so.... THE MOON represents the principle of REFLECTION and this arises from the fact that the MOON is essentially a MIRROR, that reflects the rays or light of THE SUN....a fact derived from astrology(the ancient science) and astronomy(the modern science).....So that this means that any knowledge or wisdom we receive from the Light of the Moon is 'secondary' and not 'primary' and while, many might well ask what's the beef with this or what's the problem? And conclude,'So What?' it is most important and shows the basic problem of mankind which hovers and sways between KNOWLEDGE & BELIEF, two poles that often create problems for mankind, in the forms of conflicts, like those between reason and feeling(emotion) or mind and body, or religion and science...etc. No attempt to resolve this conflict here, which is familiar to most people in some way or another and which will,unless they have worked out such solutions for themselves, and to a great deal of satisfaction and completion, always will irritate, fascinate, and confront entire world created around them of DUALITIES........ The influence of the Moon has been noted in various ways and Lunar Rays when the Moon is 'full' always attract people in various ways.....romantically and so forth.....The apparent and physical attraction of the Earth's satellite,even though somewhat dispelled by rockets,manned and unmanned, landing on its surface,cannot be overlooked entirely,but it is the unseen,subtle, occult aspects of the MOON that are perhaps more,much more important, than any scientific or folkloric information, that is, THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOON on the PSYCHE(possible soul) and the PSYCHIC LIFE of MAN(KIND) and his 'inner' composition(s)....some of which have been described in various ways in old manuscripts, parchments, books, etc. over the centuries all over the world and in various languages, many most difficult to translate properly...... For some,the entire Zodiac, consisting of Sun,Moon, Planets, and Stars(including constellations or formations), that is, the celestial world is to be found within man(kind) and requires a certain process, often called 'alchemy' to not only become aware of such but to develop certain 'powers' or other aspects,particularly those leading to 'immortality' as best understood on various levels and scales few take the time to consider or research, let alone read about or meditate on..... However, confining the topic to the single card titled, THE MOON, as I am trying to do without going too far afield, it soon becomes apparent that the images on the card itself, have significance that need to be examined,however limited or casual such an examination might be and usually is........ Since we are for the most part 'earth-bound' we have to consider the Earth in Terms of the Moon as well as in terms of ourselves...which means that the EARTH has undergone,according to certain occult writers, certain PERIODS in its CREATION OR EVOLUTION.....These periods are not analogous exactly to those postulated by geologists,etc. but are more descriptive of occult and esoteric considerations and structures,that have to be understood on various levels, such as, the psychic, the unconscious, the world of dreams, the subconscious, the mind, the soul, the various etheric,astral, and other bodies of both man and earth which, in some instances are analogous to each other but not any really exact fit,however,etc. etc.etc. Those who are more familiar with THE SEVEN DAYS OF CREATION,whether restricted to Biblical notions or not, there will be A MOON PERIOD(which we call Monday but not to be taken as merely the first day of the work week......and in some cases refers occultly and esoterically to the PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE INCARNATIONS OF THE EARTH...on that basis and not the physical basis of the planet per se...... The Moon Forces enable the 'construction' of a body, of the proper density for existence, since the Moon is considered to be the right distance from from both Earth & Sun for this to occur....but when these forces continue,without interruption(s),the tissues of the body are 'cyrstallized'causing death......and again, if the earth and moon had remained as one 'body' and not 'separated' the body of man(kind) would,in all likelihood, crystallized into a 'statue' according to certain occult schools and groups that have 'studied' this influence of the Moon in various ways and atmospheres and conditions or 'states'...... This Tarot Card of THE MOON relates in part to THE SEPARATION OF THE SEXES in which the Moon is the Feminine Aspect and the Sun is the Masculine Aspect....which consist of two qualities that distinct until united: WILL & IMAGINATION.....the latter being FEMININE POWER and linked to the MOON... More on this another time...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
ദി സ്ട്രുഗ്ഗ്ലെ ഓഫ് ദി MAGICIANS
Of all the pairings of the MAJOR ARCANA CARDS of THE TAROT DECK the most significant one is,what I call, THE STRUGGLE OF THE MAGICIANS....for reasons that I hope to discuss but not explain........ THE FIRST CARD in the MAJOR ARCANA DECK is usually titled THE MAGICIAN, but while it is often explained and described as such, a few things need to be mentioned....THE MAGICIAN IS A WHITE MAGICIAN, IN ESSENCE, A GOOD MAGICIAN...who is at the opposite end of EVIL......his efforts are always to overcome evil with good,etc. the usual notion of such a personage.... THE SECOND CARD in this PAIRING is that of the DEVIL, sometimes called,THE BLACK MAGICIAN, meaning, of course, the Evil Magician, though it could be said that all practitioners of 'good' or 'white' magic are battling evil,Stan or the Devil on various levels or planes and differing scales....some mundane and others 'cosmic' or 'celestial' etc. Without going further into other details I will close this topic for the moment and reserve comments for another time.....
ഗ്രൂപിങ്ങ്സ് ഓര് പൈരിങ്ങ്സ് ഓഫ് ദി മേജര് ARCANA
As mentioned before, the MAJOR ARCANA consists of 22 cards to which numerical order(s) and certain alphabet(s) have been attached or considered or placed on the DECK for various reasons that need not detain us here at the moment.... Although a consecutive order from one to 22 can be done, treating each card as a separate item of special significance and looked upon for concentration and meditation, another arrangement is done by PAIRING in various the first card with the last card,the second card with the next to the last card and so forth, which yields to some very significant data for their own use....along occult lines.....etc. much of such being entirely 'subjective' far as interpretation(s) goes even though the cards are 'objective' in what they seem to least on the surface, though they are said to dredge up various things from the mind, the soul, the emotions, and the psychic realms,etc. Taking this in mind, I have paired the cards in another way, although I do not know if others have done this the way I am going to list,nor do I particularly care, since its operation pertains to me along with my special, personal interpretations of such...... THE MAGICIAN & THE DEVIL THE EMPEROR & THE EMPRESS THE HIEROPHANT & THE PRIESTESS THE FOOL & THE HANGED MAN JUSTICE & JUDGMENT STRENGTH & TEMPERANCE THE LOVERS & THE HERMIT THE TOWER & THE STAR THE SUN & THE MOON THE WORLD & THE WHEEL(OF FORTUNE) DEATH The order of this list can be slightly altered provided that the last card, which is DEATH remain the last card and that the first card be THE MAGICIAN & THE DEVIL.......
അതെ സ്റ്റഡി ഓഫ് ദി ടാരോറ്റ് DECK
The study of the TAROT DECK, like manyother things,whether simply skills or occultpractices or religion or martial arts, should begin at an early age and continue during one's lifetime with as little interrruption as possible to achieve a 'minor' or possibly a 'major' success,so that when a ripe old age is reached, barring accidents and deaths,certain perspectives and conditions and states will be much better perceived and known than what existed in the beginning-an awareness and consciousness at the very least. THE MINOR ARCANA is composed of four suits: sceptres, cups, swords, adn pentacles...and correspond to the four suits in the standard deck of playing cards so familiar to many....clubs, hearts,spades and diamonds both of which are separated into two parts by color(s):black and red.....with the spades(swords) and clubs(sceptres) being black and the diamonds(disks or pentacles) and the hearts(cups) being red...... HOWEVER, the standard playing card deck consists of only FIFTY-TWO CARDS(with a joker or wild card, making 53) while the MINOR ARCANA has FIFTY-SIX, the addition of a card called THE KNIGHT,which in this arcana is placed between the QUEEN and THE JACK or KNAVE...... A general view of the four suits may help but each should be studied apart from the others which is apt to be a boring and laborious task which creates a resistance, if not antipathy, to the TAROT which requires patience and persistance. Timewise, a year for each suit would perhaps lead to profound conclusions and then each suit could be studied in combination(s) of sorts and then in thoroughly mixed suits.. This means certain 'layout' patterns of these cards, shuffled in the usual ways and then dealt or selected afterwards t make a specific or general 'reading' based on one'sunderstanding and efforts.
Monday, August 30, 2010
मजोर अरकाना ARRANGEMENTS
The TAROT CARDS that comprise the MAJOR ARCANA can be grouped or arranged in special orders or arrays...for a number of purposes.....and the simplest one is the NUMERICAL each card has been assigned a specific NUMBER.....ranging from 1-22(0) and this has several 'problems' in that the usual order of 0-21 is not always considered and also that Zero (0) is placed by some at the end of the order or sandwiched in between 20 & 21......This 'classical' arrangement which usually starts with the Magician(so-called) has many adherents...... Another arrangement places the cards in 'opposition' to one another, such as #l & #21, #2 & #20,etc. This PAIRING OF THE CARDS yields some insights that can be poetic, religious, and occult,etc. All of this is sort of 'arbitrary' and 'subjective' and will arouse certain responses intellectually, emotionally, and possibly physical extending to the sexual and other 'psychic' centers depending on many things, such as, 'one's internal state' or the influences and impressions one has....generally from sources OUTSIDE the TAROT..... My discussion arrangement of the cards follows my own personal inclination(s) and derives from many sources and other things....and need not detain or interest others beyond mere curiosity...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
च्रिस्तियन स्य्म्बोल्स इन थे TAROT
The conventional decks of the TAROT contain many symbols and some of them are 'Christian' meaning coming from both THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENTS and also from possible other sources as well....but the TAROT has a definite link and association with ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY that can be seen in the various symbols, of which, THE BULL, THE EAGLE, THE MAN, AND LION are important....all derived from THE SPHINX...The Bull is also the Ox....for an ox is a castrated bull......More on these occult aspects later on, but in many Biblical passages these along with other ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS can be found.....NUMBERS LIKE 12 take on an occult significance as well.l
Monday, August 16, 2010
तह ण्श्र्टूटीण ऑफ़ तोवेर्स,अन्किएन्त् और MODERN
The Construction of towers require a plan and lots of labor and expecially in pre-historic times and druing various 'historic' centuries and eras. Where once stone was largelyused until modern times, THE MATERIALIZATION OF LIFE is symbolized by this TOWER CARD in the TAROT DECK and while the previous methods of TECHNOLOGY(as found in geometries from ancient ot modern times) the modern modes of technology and technical ability have beomce powerful to the extent that everything is considered from this perspective,all life materialized & controlled, as is exemplified by the SYMBOL OF THE TOWER, as seen and understood in this card.... The UNIFORMITY, CONFORMITY, & CONTROL brought about by the DIGITALIZATION & THE ELECTRONIC AGE via computers, cell phones, etc. is represented by this card where a SINGLE LANGUAGE' ahs been created-A NEW TOWER OF BABEL of which FACEBOOK is an example-as now people are talking a 'babel of languages,confusion,varied & volatile opinions & information, both true & false.....If you think this is far-fetched, COMPUTERS HAVE 'TOWERS'and can be considered as 'MODERN TOWERS OF BABEL'!
ड्श्र्टूटीण ऑफ़ थे तोवेर
The destruction of THE TOWER as depicted in the TAROT DECK(S) has had many commentaries by users of the cards over the years.....and the design usually shows a 'bolt to lightning' striking the top of the Tower or it's 'crown' with two persons falling to the ground, as if, 'PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL', and taken to mean generally the 'FALL OF MANKIND' but in some circles to mean the liberation of various energies in the body.....and the design of the lightning bolt takes on the familiar zig-zag usually found in cartoons..... Creating a modern,contemporary version of this important card, would include TWIN or DOUBLE TOWERS with planes instead of lightning striking 'commemorate' what has been described as:'America's Second Pearl Harbor' or 'this generation's Pearl Harbor' or 'the Baby Boomer's Pearl Harbor' an incident that took place on 09/11/2001.......... In either case, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TOWER(S) arouses various emotions in people.....whether it is THE TOWER OF BABEL in Babylon or THE TWIN TOWERS of NYC. Thus, a TOWER is also seen by many in the world as a sign of Pride & arrogance....symbols of ostentation, corruption, ignorance of GOD, irreligion, MATERIALISM, IMPERIALISM, etc.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
थे तोवेर ण्टीणूड...
THE TOWER: A tower is a construction from which things can be seen from a distance or a vantage point-hence A WATCHTOWER, which implies VIGILANCE, ALERTNESS, & AWARENESS, and those in the TOWER must be AWAKE! Towers are usually not fortresses or castles or palaces, though they may b e and can be, but sometimes in these examples, several towers may be present and generally are.....often called parapets... A SINGLE TOWER, especially built in a flat, barren or desert place, can be considered as 'A MOUNTAIN' and several towers clustered together as a range of mountains, or, on another level, a PHALLIC SYMBOL-a PYRAMID or a ZIGGARAT comes to mind also. For BIBLE-ORIENTED persons, THE TOWER CARD OF THE TAROT calls to mind THE TOWER OF BABEL or THE TOWER OF BABYLON, a symbol also of arrogance, confusion, pride, monolithic aspirations(to see the HEAVENS) or to become GOD,or to communicate with the 'gods'(PLANETARY BODIES,etc.) or simply to observe the stars or to consult them astrologically.
Monday, August 9, 2010
THE TOWER is the next card of THE TAROT that I choose to discuss and mention rather than following any set order of the usual sort, that is, from 1-21 and the 0,which is placed in differing parts of the deck,depending on the system, the school, the teacher or expositor,etc. which also ends up involving the various other numerical/alphabetical systems in relation to 'THE LADDER OF LIGHTS' or 'THE TREE OF LIFE' and other aspects of the Kaballah...etc. Esoterically,however, THE TOWER relates to the CHARIOT & THE CHARIOTEER....and from looking at the various depictions of the TOWER SYMBOL CARD, one can see that it pertains to these topics:THE FALL OF MAN(MANKIND OR HUMANS), THE FALL OF ATLANTIS; AND THE FALL OF THE TOWER OF BABEL(also the Fall of Babylon/Babel)....and the TOWER replaces the older symbol of THE PYRAMID(generally the great pyramid. The TOWER is also a Phallic symbol and relates on several levels to energies of all kinds.....when discusses from perspective of 'kundalini',etc.
Friday, August 6, 2010
तह चरिओत & थे CHARIOTEER
In the discussion and descriptions of the HORSE, DRIVER, CARRIAGE, PASSENGER as mentioned in works on THE FOURTH WAY, THE WORK, THE SYSTEM,ETC. as as brought by and given by GURDJIEFF to the West, we can see this symbolized in this particular card of THE TAROT. THE CHARIOT or 'WAR WAGON", the CARRIAGE, is somewhat obvious although few moderns know mu;ch about such ancient conveyances these days, except perhaps in what Hollywood movies they appear appear, as in 'Sword & Sandals'. THE PASSENGER may seem to be figure of the Charioteer, but then may actually only represent the DRIVER instead as the actual PASSENGER is hidden behind the driver, and is obscured by a veil, a canopy, or a curtain,etc. THE HORSE in most cards of modern vintage is two sphinxes-one WHITE and the other BLACK-symbolizing EMOTION(S)- of POSITIVE & NEGATIVE, LOVE & HATE, MALE & FEMALE, GOOD & EVIL, etc. THE REINS OF THE HORSE(S( are invisible in these cards but highly important in the analogy used...since they CONTROL the EMOTIONS,and perhaps the INSTINCTS, by the DRIVER,who may or may not, who should or does not, listen to the commands, orders, desires, and wishes,etc.given to him by the PASSENGER, who is, as this card indicates, THE TRUE SELF...THE SELF THAT MUST BE REMEMBERED (at all times)...
थे मजोर & मिनोर ARCANA
THE TAROT deck is composed of two parts or divisions: THE MAJOR ARCANA and THE MINOR ARCANA. This division has led to specific ways in which people utilize the cards, which may have once been carved, wooden or clay, blocks coming from very ancient days...possibly from pre-historic mankind that lived in caves,caverns, and obscure and harsh places and who started out with bone fragments,etc. to make them transportable from cavern walls where the things may have been carved or painted or etched,etc....this is my conjecture and nothing certain can be said about this beyond looking at various descriptions, photos, relics,etc. that may be available in various places around the world. THE MAJOR ARCANA depict people, persons, humans, men/women, children, and some other things in various settings as found nowadays in the modern and varied decks available....and for this reason many devotees of the TAROT concentrate on these in preference to the MINOR ARCANA....while others interested in divinations, fortune-telling,etc. utilize these latter.... people want to know, for instance, certain outcomes, certain trends, certain relationships, and other things, usually of the future, but sometimes in the past and present and which some readers require a look at all three to be able to actually do anything worthwhile.. Both ARCANA OF THE TAROT contain impressions and influences that relate to human consciousness and existence and what one can find in either of them attracts the interest of seekers after truth, knowledge, and destiny, among other things that motivate people, while some others may be repelled by using such for any worthwhile endeavor.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The tarot is essentially a special deck of cards that has gained more popularity in recent years and quite a number of varied decks have been created since the earliest ones,all of which have several functions,the common one being to tell one's future in the ordinary sense of the word. The tarot cards are often described has having ancient Egyptian origins and attributed to the Gypsies of Europe,at least in their distribution, and many 'theories' about the tarot exist, and most of these attempt to relate or correlate the cards to the CABALA or KABALLAH,etc. Ordinary playing cards are related somewhat to the tarot cards and these former cards, with the four suits of clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades, are also used for gambling and fortune telling, and in one rare instance,via a sort of song, a substitute for the BIBLE. In this blog I shall when possible discuss the TAROT as I have 'studied' it and so forth but will refrain from bringing up, as much as possible, methods of 'divination',though I must confess that in the past,when I was young and perhaps naive, I did try to utilize the TAROT in the popular pastime(s) and endeavors without much real satisfaction, achievement, or success, as far as I can recall. However, others I once knew were more devoted to the tarot than myself and perhaps they achieved some 'minor' successes. The literature on the tarot is fairly extensive but I shall only consult with the more 'classic' and 'traditional' works as much as possible and attempt to avoid the more contemporary and 'trendy' versions or works on the tarot. My stance and attitude might appear to be very pompous and stilted,of course, and also biased but I think that older minds than mine might well have much to say rather than those who have culled the original pieces of literature,etc. and created their own special system. An examination of the various cards, which can be quite intricate and extensive, and also require a bit of 'esoteric'/'occult'/'arcane' work or preparation, will be restricted to those sections that interest me. The collecting of tarot cards can be expensive if one is to really do so. Some decks are rather fanciful in nature and when appropriate I shall mention and perhaps describe them rather than keep focused on one single version.
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